Luna & Nova motorized yokes can convert practically any conventional fixture into a moving light.
Luna & Nova, controlled by DMX-512, provide quiet and accurate Pan /Tilt positions and can drive a color changer attached to the fixture.
- Up to 16 bit positioning resolution
- 360 degrees Pan / 270 degrees Tilt
- Accuracy and silent operation at different speeds
- Self-locking system
- Built-in safety clutch for manual back-up positioning
- Absolute positioning/memorization
- Programmable Pan / Tilt limits
- No homing sequence on power up
- Suitable for PC’s, Fresnel’s, Profiles fixtures & other devices
- Extended models for bigger fixtures
- Payload up to 30kg (Nova) and 15kg (Luna)
- Focus and Iris motorization driving by the yoke
- Color changer add-on option
- Integral dimmer capability up to 2kW
- Internal power supply
- DMX-512 control with daisy-chain
- Graphic display & 4 Soft-keys operation interface

Yokes Documents